Incorporating Sustainability Into Your Everyday Life

Being sustainable doesn’t have to be hard. There are new, more ethical alternatives popping up every day that can help you live a more sustainable, low impact life. 

Listed below are some tips for how to incorporate more sustainable practices in your every day life. 

  • Look in your trash can. See what you can sacrifice to not produce that kind of trash again, and every time you throw something out, think to yourself, “How can I do this without producing trash?” If there is no way to do it without producing waste, look for a more sustainable solution, or try to cut it out if possible. Bamboo and paper are more sustainable options than plastic and styrofoam.
  • Compost. If you throw out your fruit and veggie scraps in the trash can surrounded by plastic and other waste, it decomposes without oxygen present (anaerobic decomposition), and it produces methane, a greenhouse gas that is 28 to 36 times more effective than CO2 at trapping heat in the atmosphere. Composting allows for oxygen to be present in the decomposition of your food scraps and, therefore, is putting energy back into the earth. Compost soil is rich in nutrients and promotes plant growth. 
  • Look for alternatives. If you are a person like me that takes vitamins and supplements, look for ones in glass bottles instead of plastic ones. Use compostable pencils instead of plastic pens. Use bamboo toilet paper or recycled toilet paper instead of regular. 
  • Make your own products. DIY! Whether it’s a cleaning solution, toothpaste, or your own almond milk or nut butter, look at the things you use every day and see if there’s a way to do it yourself! A quick Google search can provide easy recipes for all sorts of products! You save energy and reduce consumer waste!
  • Buy foods with less packaging. Many grocery stores have bulk sections where you can buy just the right amount of various flours, nuts, seeds, sugars, rice, beans, etc. Reusable produce bags are a thing that more people should be aware of! You can also buy some cotton bags for those trips to the bakery for fresh pastries without having to worry about the single-use paper or plastic packaging. 
  • Thrift. Buy clothes second hand or from sustainable brands who are transparent and responsible for the impact of the creation of their product. If you like online shopping but want to still be sustainable, check out Poshmark for some trendy finds.
  • Go out to eat at a restaurant instead of ordering delivery. If you do order pick up or delivery, ask if they can avoid as much plastic packaging as possible, and don’t forget to ask for no plastic silverware! 
  • BYO cup/utensils/straw/container. Bringing your own cups and utensils is such an easy way to reduce your waste! Whether you’re going to a coffee shop or a juice bar, you can do so without producing any extra trash going to landfills. If you bring your own container, you can get takeout waste free!
  • Unplug unnecessary plugs from outlets when not in use. Keurig machines tend to suck up a lot of power even when not in use or turned off! (Not to mention how much waste the K-Cups generate!)
  • Take public transportation if that’s an option for you. If it’s not, learn how to maximize the gas mileage in your car and only drive places you need to go. Also try out carpooling on your way to work/school/running errands!
  • Get rid of appliances that aren’t absolutely necessary. Even though Keurigs are convenient, a French press makes coffee virtually waste free! You can even reuse the coffee grounds to make a body scrub!

These are only some of the ways to incorporate sustainability into your life. Any change you make leaves an impact so let’s make it positive!

One Comment Add yours

  1. Carmen says:

    Great tips! Thanks!


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